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Coming from a background in dance & the arts, Chin-Yu 'Yoshi' Ng naturally held a fascination with movement and health early in life. However, a series of events in his late 20s would slowly guide Yoshi away from a life in the arts & into the world of "healing arts"; particularly after a sign during an ayahuasca session in early 2013, his father suffering a stroke in late 2013 & losing a dear friend to cancer in 2014, who had suffered severe back pain prior to their passing.


Following these events & seeking skills to be of greater service to others, Yoshi started training initially in massage therapy & complimentary & alternative medicine (CAM), offering his services under the brand name The Little House of Soul from 2016. This evolved further to include strength & conditioning (S&C) from 2021, before completing a BSc in physiotherapy at the University of East London (UEL) in 2024.

Yoshi's main areas of expertise & interest lie in musculoskeletal (MSK) health, sports science & complimentary & alternative medicine (CAM), with further interest in paediatrics & public/global health. Outside of that, Yoshi's main hobbies include dance, martial arts, basketball, gastronomy & the odd computer game. Most of all, Yoshi cherishes his private time in peace & quiet, whether it be alone or with his loved ones.


Ultimately, Yoshi's mission is to bring forth the best of ourselves & each other; through love of education, arts, community & culture.

For more information on Yoshi's educational background & professional experience, click here for his LinkedIn profile.

(Last updated 26/11/2024)




The Little House Of Soul © 2024


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